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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Bakery

Some things are taken for granted until you find yourself shopping in Wal-mart for Wonder bread. Bakeries in Europe are not gourmet or speciality shops. They are just bakeries...awesome bakeries.
Emert Wood Oven Bakery, Gauangelloch, Germany

It helps when every village has a great bakery like in our town. 

Fresh baked bread, combined with a product you probably can't find in American grovery stores, Nutella, makes for a awesome start to your day.

Dear North Americans, Send me a $20 bill and I will send you a jar of Nutella. 
This sales technique will work for those that have had Nutella before.
Some other fresh baked items available at our bakery are:
  • Berliners- jelly donuts with sugar on top.  And yes, JFK said, "I am a jelly donut." during the Berlin Airlift.
  • Chocolate Croissants
  • Quark filled pastries
  • Cinnamon rolls, Poppy roles, and nut rolls (Call Schnecken "Snails" because of the shape)
  • Baguettes
  • At least a dozen different types of bread
  • Groceries: Fresh laid eggs, milk in glass jars, jelly, cold cuts, liverwurst, wine, juice, newspapers and more.

This place is packed from 6 to 8 AM.


  1. Funny about Nutella. When we were in Italy Jen was 4 mos. pregnant and really wanted peanut butter. I searched the grocery store. Two aisles dedicated to olive oil (only slight exaggeration), but couldn't locate PB. Finally found it--one brand, small jar, on an out-of-the-way dusty shelf. I guess Italians aren't into peanut butter. That was also the trip I discovered Nutella. Loved it from the first licked knife-ful.
    I get home, and we do have Nutella. But here, it's the product on the out-of-the-way shelf. The irony in this: peanut butter and nutella are great together. It's like a Reese's sandwich.

  2. Matt,
    I ate my first Nutella and PB sandwich last week. I have to say that it was too mushy. I love Reese's but I only liked the first bite of the sandwich. Europeans don;t eat much peanut butter. They consider a food for destitute people. They also won't eat corn on the cob. They consider it food for livestock.
